Tag Archives: Cosmetic Dentistry

Easy Steps to Preventing Gum Disease | Indianapolis, IN

If you are a coffee drinker, you need to be extra careful. Coffee can contribute to the buildup of plaque and tartar and accelerate the progression of gum disease.

There are two forms of gum disease: gingivitis, an inflammation of your gums caused by plaque, and periodontitis, a more advanced version of gingivitis that results in a gap between your teeth and your gums. Gum disease, when caught in the gingivitis stage, can be treated and, in the future, prevented. Periodontitis, on the other hand, is more difficult to treat and, due to the gap between the teeth and gums, may cause your teeth to become loose and fall out.

Coffee affects your mouth in two ways. First, it lowers the temperature of your mouth and gums. Second, it reduces the blood flow to your gums. The combination of lowered temperature and restricted blood flow means your gums do not get all of the necessary oxygen they need to continue functioning properly.

Saliva contains oxygen and specialized enzymes which help prevent gum disease by killing the unnecessary bacteria in your mouth. However, drinking coffee can cause dehydration and reduce the amount of saliva you produce, thus increasing your chances of developing gum disease.

For more information on the prevention of dental disease, contact Dr. George Kirtley DDS at 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.



Implant Dentistry, Step by Step – Indianapolis, IN

Dental implant treatment is usually a three part process. It takes several months to complete. Dr. George Kirtley of Indianapolis, IN wants to make sure his patients are well informed of all procedures offered to them and how they work. We will take you through the implant process step by step.

Step 1

The implant is surgically placed in the jaw. The top of the implant will be slightly above the top of the bone. To prevent debris and gum tissue from entering, a screw is inserted. The gum is placed over the implant for about 3 -6 months. The implant needs this time to fuse with the bone.

Step 2

The implant is uncovered and a post is attached to the implant. In some cases the implant and post are both placed in the mouth during step 1. Dr. Kirtley will decide which option is best for you. Once the gum tissue is healed the implant and post are ready for the new tooth.

Step 3

A crown is made that will match your other teeth. Once the crown is made it is attached to the implant post. You now have an artificial replacement tooth. They do not need to be removed for soaking and cleaning and no adhesives needed, as with dentures. It acts and looks just like a real tooth.

Implant dentistry can restore your smile and oral health. To see if dental implants are right for you, contact Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit the website www.smilesbygeorge.com.





Abolish your Fear of the Dentist with Sedation Dentistry | Indianapolis, IN

Does the thought of having your teeth worked on make you anxious or uncomfortable? Do the sight of needles and the sound of dental drills make you cringe? Now imagine if you could have everything done while you nap comfortably and awake to not remembering anything from the procedure. By the use of sedation, we can do this for you. Dr. George Kirtley of Indianapolis, IN is trained in sedation dentistry and has been helping people overcome these fears for many years.

Sedation dentistry involves medications taken before a procedure to produce a relaxed feeling. Recovery time is a little longer and you’ll need someone to drive you home after your dental treatment is completed. Sedation dentistry can benefit a wide range of patients, including people with:

  • High dental anxiety and fear.
  • A severe gag reflex.
  • Difficulty getting numb.
  • Extensive treatment needs.
  • A desire to have dentistry done comfortably while they are fully relaxed.

We understand that going to the dentist can be very difficult for some people. Dental phobia is actually a lot more common than you may think. It is estimated that about 15% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of this reason.

If you’ve avoided going to the dentist because of anxiety or fear of the dentist, this is your chance to make an appointment and lose that fear. Contact Dr. Kirtley 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.


Yellow, stained teeth ruining your smile? Tooth whitening is the answer! | Indianapolis, IN

Are you tired of having yellow, stained teeth, despite your strict daily dental hygiene? You are not alone. There are millions of people suffering from the same problem. So if you brush, floss and visit your dentist regularly then why are your teeth still discolored? This happens because the outer layers of your teeth get stained over the years by consumption of  beverages with caffeine, soda, wine and smoking. When these outside sources of staining are left to sit on the teeth all day until your next brushing, the dentin on your teeth becomes yellowish or darkened. The best way to help your stained discolored teeth is professional tooth whitening.

Contributing factors to yellowing, stained teeth:

  • Tetracycline based antibiotics used before the age of 8 years old
  • Excessive exposure to fluoride as a child
  • Internal  bleeding due to trauma
  • Discoloration due to a health condition
  • Natural aging- as time goes by enamel gets thinner and thinner and will get a yellowish hue
  • Soda
  • Wine
  • Smoking
  • Caffeine

Simple rules to live by to try and stop the yellowing process:

  • Visit your dentist regularly for teeth cleanings
  • Rinse your mouth out with water several times throughout the day
  • Use toothpaste with whitening agents

One of the best ways to whiten your teeth is to visit your dentist for professional tooth whitening. You deserve a beautiful white smile. Contact Dr. George Kirtley for more information on tooth whitening and keeping your teeth white and healthy, 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.



Composite Veneers vs Porcelain Veneers – Which is right for you? | Bloomington, IN

Dental veneers are thin layers of composite resin or porcelain which are fitted right onto the surface of the tooth.  They are very popular among patients with discolored, crooked or misaligned teeth. Veneers are made to give you a beautiful, straight white smile. Most people don’t know there are two different types of veneers to choose from. Cosmetic dentist Dr. George Kirtley of Bloomington, IN offers some insight on both types of veneers.

The two types of veneers are composite resin veneers and porcelain veneers. The following are facts on both types of veneers.


  • Last about 4-8 years with proper maintenance.
  • Made of high quality reinforced plastic. Given today’s high-end technology these veneers look and feel very good, but under pressure they can damage quite easily.
  • Have a porous surface, which can affect their look after years of use.
  • Stain more easily. Often needing whitening treatments to maintain their appearance.
  • Chip easily.


  • Porcelain veneers on the other hand last up to 25 years and do not require as much maintenance.
  • Made of high quality porcelain, natural in color and more resistant.
  • Maintain strength and appearance over several decades.
  • Do not stain because of the non-porous material.

 Ultimately the choice is yours as to which type of veneer you choose to give you that beautiful smile you have always dreamed of. For more information on both types of veneers and to see which is right for you, contact Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.


Americans Are Now Receiving Fluoridated Water | Indianapolis, IN

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that that 73.9 percent of Americans who get their water from municipal systems now benefit from optimal fluoridation, bringing the number of Americans receiving optimally fluoridated water to an all-time high of 204 million people.

This was welcoming news to the members of the American Dental Association. Fluoridation of community water is a proven method for preventing tooth decay.

“The ADA congratulates the CDC and the thousands of organizations and individuals who continue to work toward the day when the customers of every community water system enjoy the benefits of optimal fluoridation,” the ADA said.

Dr. George Kirtley applauds the CDC in their efforts for better oral health among Americans. In addition he always recommends regular dental checkups and routine care.

Contact Dr. George Kirtley today and make an appointment to ensure you have the best oral health. Office: 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.

Cardiovascular Disease linked to Periodontal Disease

Current research shows a link between periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease in some patients. Though there is not concrete evidence as of yet, health-care providers and patients should not ignore the risks gum disease contributing to heart disease.

Patients should be getting a comprehensive periodontal evaluation from their dental professional at least once a year. This should entail a full examination of teeth and gums, overall health status and age. Patients who are diagnosed with periodontal disease should inform their health care provider to reassure better incorporation of their care.

According to Pamela McClain, DDS, president of the American Academy of Periodontology , “There is no compelling evidence to support that treating periodontal disease will reduce cardiovascular disease at this time,” McClain said, “but we do know that periodontal care will improve your oral health status, reduce systemic inflammation and might be good for your heart as well.”

Schedule your next dental checkup today, don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Dr. George Kirtley DDS at 317-841-1111 or visit his website www.smilesbygeorge.com.