Foods to Avoid for a Healthy Mouth | Indianapolis Cosmetic Dentist

multiple smilesMost people probably don’t look forward to their biannual rendezvous at the dentist’s. But the discomfort from the poking and scraping of routine cleanings is nothing compared to the pain of more intensive procedures, like fillings and root canals. So wouldn’t it be nice to seriously lower your chances of needing dental work with some strategic eating?

There are plenty of foods that people should be avoiding if they want to keep their teeth in good shape. But what’s not in your dentists kitchen?

Soda (even diet):

Your favorite sugary soda is a total smile saboteur.

Hard Candy:

Savoring a sweet sucker might seem innocent enough, but not so fast. Sucking these candies exposes your mouth to harsh sugars for longer periods of time. And chewing on them can break or crack teeth, fillings, and sealants.


Sure, ice is sugar-free—but if you tend to chew on the cubes once you’ve finished a beverage, they can cause major damage. Dental experts say nibbling on ice is a major no-no as it can easily crack or break teeth.

White Wine:

Sorry chardonnay fans. While the deep color of red wine can cause discoloration, white wine might actually trigger even more damage. The acidity in wine makes teeth more susceptible to stains, and white wine is generally more acidic.

Chewy Candy:

That dentists avoid taffy and caramels like the plague isn’t exactly surprising. Sticky candies get stuck between braces and teeth, allowing plaque to build up. Plus, a chewy candy in the wrong place at the wrong time can easily take a tooth out.


Noshing a pb&j is reminiscent of childhood, but it’s a surefire way to prematurely age your teeth. The high sugar content of all three ingredients means that as soon as you bite in, enamel-eroding bacteria go on a feeding frenzy. And because peanut butter and jelly are both sticky, they allow the bacteria to adhere to your teeth.

Dried Fruit:

Things like raisins, figs, and dried apricots are bursting with nutrition. Unfortunately, they’re also packed with a dense dose of sugar and non-soluble cellulose fiber, which can bind and trap those sugars around the tooth to the same extent as saltwater taffy. Your best bet? Sticking with the fresh version as much as possible(Source:

Keep your smile healthy with proper oral care and diet!

For more information and to make an appointment call, Dr. Kirtley at 317-841-1111 or visit his website

Dr. George Kirtley welcomes patients from Spring Hill, Beech Grove and Warren Park